Benny Acres


Go for much needed massage.

Return home to Mac who is TURNT UP.

Take Mac out in the pasture for a bit.

Start the trek back to the house.

Mac bolts, and then there is wailing of chicken.

COOL two of the roosters got out of the pen somehow, and Mac was flinging one all over the place. Call Stephen for assistance, and chuck Mac back inside.

Roo seemed fine aside from being out of breath and covered in dog spit. Grabbed the other one, got him calmed down and IMMEDIATELY slipped in mud. It was an almost graceful descent, and I am glad I've got a big ass to land on, AND I managed to not lose the rooster or hurt him or get him riled up again.

So then we tried to figure out how they got out.

Suddenly I hear Mac whining. He's at the fence at the house trying to dig under it.


Granted, the door from the house to the garage is a pain to get latched, and I guess I didn't bother with the side door much since we were playing Chicken Wrangler.

I'm not sure if the theme song here should be the Benny Hill theme or the Green Acres theme, or a mash up.

